Properties 500m of 27 BUSSORAH STREET location

Nearby 500m of 27 BUSSORAH STREET list all alternative units within 200m to 500m radius of 27 BUSSORAH STREET. The approximate* radius could assist you find a house within 1 to 2km to a school, a work location or within 4km of your parents house to be eligible for HDB proximity grant. It also allows you to plan units so you can view them all together in one day for a given area.
Disclaimer: * The distance shown are just estimates only and may not be accurate. Not to be taken for professional measurement.

Home  >   Directory  >  27 Bussorah Street  >  Within 500m
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  4. Within 500m
  • Jalan Sultan

    Sultan Plaza

    Jalan Sultan, Singapore, D7
    99 years
    $ 2,030 /mo
    $ 3.30 /psf
    • • Office
    • • For Rent
    • • 615 sqft
    • • District 7
    Psf: $3.30 | Whole Unit

    Near 2 Mrt Stations